Thursday, April 29, 2010

Impending Tummy Shame


Jerry and I got in touch with our inner chubblet tonight. 
That's right.  We tackled the Double Down.  I know what you are thinking.
So was I.  The little bit of dying muscle called out to me, "Nooooooo!" as I took the first bite.  Then I told that pussy bitch to shut it and stuffed that mess in my face!  Slightly spicy fried chicken with great glops of cheese, smokey sauce, and of course, bacon.   Swine is always mighty fine in my book.  It was delicious and disgusting.  I feel pleased and a bit whorish.  If the DD had a fried egg, it would be like eating a barnyard.  Mmm...

I think I just heard a tiny, muffled scream from my digestive system.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Poopbox Paradise

Just got back from a shindig with the fam. Probably the last in Powhatan. Good times. Also good: World's Best Cat Litter.  
 Seriously, my kitty loving friends, this litter is killer! It's $8.50 for a 7 lb. bag at the K-Rog, and totally worth it. The clumping action is tits. You have to behold the glory in your own cat's poopbox to believe it. Is it weird that I'm having a geekgasm over my cats' toileting aids? 
World's Best Cat Litter 
The name says it all.  These little butt sniffers approve this message.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Faces of the Fan

This post is about faces.  I'll start with mine.
Bully!  So I went on a walk with my buddy Marc (pictured here with our pal Treebeard)...
...and I discovered quite a few mugs peepin' out at me.  Look!  It's Lil' Chubby Foo Foo!
Happy house with a beauty mark.
Happy house with a monocle.
He really doesn't want me to park here.
Tiny, grumpy door.
This jerk blew pollen right up in my face!
At least he didn't blow my nose off.  The same could not be said for this poor soul. 
This last one is my favorite.  Marc and I walked over it while yammering about which direction to take next and I just happened to take a second glance.  Super creepy and awesome.  You never know who may be watching you.

Things and Stuff

My current project is a Steampunk Bunny of the bounty hunter persuasion.  Before he got that sweet coat and paint job he was just a plain ol' white plaster bunny that you can find at craft stores in the spring.  Still miles to go, but it's a darn good start. 
The Mo approves. 
Lord Chubblington is less impressed.  To be continued...