Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am lazy.  I am lazy and I stink, and I feel like a zombie.  Come to think of it, I smell kinda like the undead.  This is me, right now:
 Captain Disgusto!  Do you like my home decor?  I call it Old Gift Wrap Chic.  My mother has the best taste in gift wrappings, so for the past year I've kept every bit.  I have it in my head that I am going to découpage something with it, but...yeah.   The Procrastinatrix strikes again.  <---And what's up with this mess?  I just gave myself two nicknames in one paragraph.  Isn't there some kind of law against that?  Nicknaming yourself?  Ooo, so naughty. 

Onward and upward!

We have a new Command Center, complete with Captain's chair, here at the old casa de Vaughn-O. 
Jerry set everything up, because I break things.
This is after:
Damn!  I was a thirsty girl that day!
This is Jim Carrey having a meltdown on Twitter.  He freaks out and rants about #BOING everyday for a few hours.  Hey, guy!  I dig Apple, too!  The iLife is where it's at!  I'm checking Facebook as I type this.  Just told my buddy Bobby that I'd pay to see a troll shit on Uwe Boll.  It's true.  I would. 

Ugh.  I gotta go.  I have to attempt to be perky in 3ish hours.  Boys' play practice today.  Can you believe people let me shape their children's minds?  Scary, I know, but they love me.  The tykes really seem to enjoy weirdo Ms. Melissa.  Another blog by week's end!  I swear it!

Goals are good.

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